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Subscribe to my blog! Bientot les 1. Dean Ambrose VS Aj Styles pour le titre. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Dean Ambrose a garde sont titre.
It has to easily be one of the 5 best security conferences in the world based solely on the talks that were done in English. The PHD forum was packed with technical and business seminars, hacking contests and emerging security technologies demonstrating the latest security issues and challenges security professionals face on a daily basis. It was real fun! MAY 30-31, 2012.
Доклады тоже в основном очень живые, в отличие от скучных рекламных штампов на РИФоКИБах и прочих интернетовских конференциях.
There are a lot of really amazing, smart people here. I made a great deal of new friends from Russia, The independent nation of Appalachia and Europe over the last week and will never forget this trip. Participating in the PHDays CTF means a lot of swag! Positive Technologies is proud to host PHDays.
Мероприятие было интересным и полезным. Абсолютно неформальная и дружеская атмосфера, энтузиазм участников, объединение на одной площадке защитников и нападающих. Отрадно наблюдать, как год от года интерес к конференции не спадает, а наоборот, повышается. PHDays is special because of combining hackers and business together. На конференции очень органично смешались пиджаки и футболки, хакеры и безопасники, эксперты и новички.
Winners of PHDays CTF IV. PHDays IV CTF Quals Legend. PHDays IV CTF Quals Rules. Organizers take care of speakers very well. Again, thanks to whole PHDays2012 crew, to the speakers and to the attendees! Hope to see you all there next year as well. Videos of Reports and Presentations from PHDays IV are Now Available for Download! Positive Technologies is .