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Find a passion and pursue it. Drink wine, eat good food and spend quality time with good friends. Reminisce about the good old days but look with optimism to the future. Spend time with people you admire. Seize opportunities when they reveal themselves. Love with all your heart. Be true to who you are. Make time to enjoy the simple things in life. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Allo je vous présente MOI. Je suis une fille ouverte a tout! Je suis aussi dinamique ,généreuse ,drole ,ricaneuse ,amicale ,très imaginative ,souriente ,attentionnée aux autre ,enjouée ,aimable ,toujours de bonhumeur ,gentille ,belle ,sportive ,intelligente, TRÈS sociable, etc.
I only did say cute like a Million times. Aha, what a Cutie. Baby Stop and Think About It . I ask myself the same question. What the fuck am I doing? Changing Like Seasons . She gives the BIGGEST hugs .
دوستان لطفا در نظرسنجی شرکت کنید. سهم من از تو فقط تنهاییست . گاهی سخت می شود . دوستش داری و نمی داند . دوستش داری و نمی خواهد . دوستش داری و نمی آید . فقط تصویری است رویایی در سرزمین خیالت . زيباترين سخنی که شنيدم سکوت دوست داشتنی توبود.
This is the life of a mama with 3 boys and a husband who works his butt off for his family! Sunday, July 27, 2008. Sunday, April 20, 2008. Kay is my quartets new bass! A true match. YAY! I have been to Florida, I have picked up three new private students, and I am the Director for Music with Mommie in Murfreesboro. Yep, all this month, oh yeah and we auditioned new basses for the quartet. Life is good! Friday, April 04, 2008.