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Somewhere, over the rainbow. So, of course, you were supposed to call me tonight. You were supposed to call me tonight. We would have gone to the cinema. And after to the restaurant,. The one you like in your street. We would have slept together,. Have a nice breakfast together. And then a walk in a park together. How beautiful is that! You would have said I love you. In the cutest place on earth. Where some lullabies are dancing. She stole my future,.
Blog en reconstruction pour cause de puérilisme grinçant.
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زندگی فاصله ی آمدن و رفتن ماست. ارسال اس ام اس تبلیغاتی. که همیشه فکر می کردم در قلب تو محکومم. وقتی زندانبان به یکباره بر سرم فریاد زد. زندگی را نخواهیم فهمید اگر.
Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Berpikir Benar, Berpikir Positif. Mudah untuk bicara namun tidak semudah itu untuk bisa melakukannya dengan benar. Berpikir Benar, belum tentu Berpikir Positif. Kali ini kang akhmad mau sharing mengenai Bagaimana cara menggunakan waktu agar tidak terbuang sia-sia.